Wednesday, 7 May 2014

A one-two punch of chronic disease

Neuroscientist Prof. Michal Beeri has returned from a decade in New York to investigate the connection between diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease.

The world faces two major epidemics of chronic disease – diabetes, with some 350 million sufferers, and Alzheimer’s disease, with an estimated 40 million.

The prevalence of each disorder is expected to double or even triple within a few decades, threatening the income of patients’ families and the economic health of nations that will be forced to treat and care for sufferers.

But could it be that they pack a one-two punch – that one may cause the other, or at least significantly raise the risk of contracting the other? In recent years, there has been growing evidence that excessive sugar in the bloodstream increases the likelihood of the most common type of dementia decades later.

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